Zdjęcie uniwersytetu warszawskiego


The Sixth Philosophy of Language and Mind Network Conference (PLM6) will take place at the University of Warsaw, 15-17 September 2022.

The confirmed plenary speakers are:

PLM is a European network of centers devoted to the Philosophy of Language and Mind. PLM was founded in 2010 and organizes international conferences, workshop and master classes taught by leading experts in the field. For a full list of PLM members and past events, please visit the PLM homepage.

The conference is hosted by the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Warsaw. The local organiser is Joanna Odrowąż-Sypniewska.

Organizing Committee: Natalia Karczewska, Antonina Jamrozik, Zuzanna Jusińska, Kamil Lemanek, Dan Zeman.

Conference is financed by the Faculty of Philosophy UW, the University of Warsaw (IDUB), Polish Academy of Sciences (UiPDN) and the University of Warsaw Foundation.